Within the framework of the Evolving Regions (ER) project, the Bildungszentrum für die Ver- und Entsorgungswirtschaft (BEW) in cooperation with the Social Research Centre has developed the training “Qualification as a consultant (m/f/d) for climate adaptation processes”. In five workshops, the participants are enabled to design climate adaptation processes in municipalities in the best possible way with the help of the roadmapping method. For this purpose, the individual steps of the roadmapping method are described in more detail at the individual dates: Starting with the clarification of the mandate and the planning of the implementation via the so-called scoping, in which the field of action of climate adaptation is recorded and delimited. In the third step, the forecasting, the visions for a desirable future are described. In workshop number 4, the focus is on backcasting, which aims to enable the counsellors to transfer the visions into the present and to achieve the defined goals. In the fifth and last workshop, the focus is then on the creation of the roadmap, which also describes how implementation and transfer into practice can be ensured.
The workshops will take place on the following dates:
- 03.11.2021 Mission clarification and implementation planning
- 26.11.2021 Scoping
- 14.12.2021 Forecasting
- 13.01.2022 Backcasting
- 27.01.2022 Roadmap development, transfer into practice and monitoring
The target group of the counsellor training consists of employees, counsellors, self-employed persons, freelancers in
- Landscape planning and architecture offices
- Business consultancies
- Communications agencies
- climate specialised consultations
- SpinOffs from universities
- Start-up companies
- Institutional facilities with a counselling task
The number of participants for the course is limited. Registrations are possible up to and including 05.10.2021.
For more information, including how to register, see the event flyer below and the BEWwebsite. We will also inform about the workshop on Twitter.